Sunday, February 07, 2010

Musicians as NGOs

Now that anybody with a half decent internet connection can download any music they want, how will musicians survive?

Will musicians start to make their music available for free and ask for donations? Would be great, and skip all the music industry. Of course there will be free(down)loaders, but I would imagine they will be enough people who will realise that without people spending some money on them, they will stop creating music (or at least making it available).

But then again, artists in hardship, and often poverty, have often produced their best work.

Should art never be a profession?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

f#€k money

do any of those "pay what you think its worth" schemes - restaurants, musicians etc - actually work? how does one assess something's (monetary )worth anyway, if not by some sort of inherent market mechanisms... dont even get me started on charities and NGOs ;-) find me someone "doing it for the money" that you can call an artist