Thursday, December 17, 2009

A buffet with no eating

This has to be a first for me. I went to the Christmas party at the GP NL office tonight, and did not eat anything from the most amazing buffet.

Shew, the sacrifice! Hermann, the agriculture campaigner in the Dutch office did make a very good point though, that it should be all right - it was all vegetarian. Not eating for a day is one thing, but if we all ate less, and particularly ate less meat, we would be doing something very achievable and very positive for the climate. In the words of Michael Pollan:

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

Getting over hunger...

I'm going strong (you'll be relieved to hear), just a little light headed.

I've been keeping up with the news rolling in from COP15 and it doesn't sound great - civil society has been kicked out. However there was a voice of reason in amongst all the madness, Bolivian President Evo Morales. Said some good things about mother earth.

I'm going to cycle across A'dam in the snow this evening to attend the GP NL party, bit worried, but shouldn't be too hard.

Obama arrives tomorrow, and hopefully with some good news in tow.

Love and respect.

Climate Justice Fast!

It's been described as a moral response to an immoral situation. Thousands of people (me included) around the world are fasting today to raise awareness of the need for a FAB (Fair, Ambitious and (legally) Binding) Treaty at the COP 15 Climate talks in Copenhagen.

The only reason for me to fast is that I think I have been robbed of my voice in so many ways with regards to what is happening to our earth and landbase. This is an act of desperation. While I had the opportunity to go to Copenhagen and participate in actions of NGOs there, I think my work in Amsterdam is as important, and I am more effective here than I would be there. The pessimist in me says that there is just no way to talk to our leaders (sic) who are all, quite literally, insane.

I still am not sure what impact it will have, I can't see how it will help bring about a FAB deal, but it is what I can do where I am.

My thoughts will be with the activists on the ground in Copenhagen and the delegates in the Bella Centre today.

Love and respect.

Sunday, December 13, 2009