Tuesday, February 16, 2010

the arrogance...

Excerpt from Nature 463, 713 (11 February 2010):

"Climate warming could exacerbate species invasions and their often-negative ecological impacts if non-native plants continue to respond better to changing conditions, a study warns.

Using a 150-year record of seasonal plant data started by US poet and naturalist Henry David Thoreau, Charles Davis at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and his colleagues analysed the long-term changes in the flowering times of native and non-native plants in Concord, Massachusetts, near where Thoreau lived."

The arrogance to think that with a 150-year record of seasonal plant data these scientists could know ANYTHING about millions of years of species and ecosystems interaction with their environment and climate.

If you really want the solution, start listening to the few remaining wild trees, rocks and streams. They are the only ones that can teach you.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

Musicians as NGOs

Now that anybody with a half decent internet connection can download any music they want, how will musicians survive?

Will musicians start to make their music available for free and ask for donations? Would be great, and skip all the music industry. Of course there will be free(down)loaders, but I would imagine they will be enough people who will realise that without people spending some money on them, they will stop creating music (or at least making it available).

But then again, artists in hardship, and often poverty, have often produced their best work.

Should art never be a profession?

Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hello weekend

It's the weekend! I've got my weekend pants on, there is a bike downstairs that has "ride me" written all over it and I'm meeting mates for an afternoon of polo. Man life looks good from the 10th floor!

The week also allowed me to get more or less back on top of my work, and then on Friday afternoon I had what would be a pretty average call with a campaigner which left me with loads of action points to get an awesome project rolling. If there wasn't such a good Saturday ahead, I'd like to start working on them straight away.

Cheers for life on this scorched earth!

Love and respect.