Monday, July 27, 2009

Computer (f).

Computers were clearly a male invention, something there primarily to increase production, and help those (mostly males) at the top destroy the world a lot faster than they were doing before computers arrived.

I've been asking myself (and others) what a computer designed (and invented?) by a woman would look like. Okay more than just look like, how would it function? It amazes how often women struggle with computers when in my experience most men seem to understand them intuitively (or is it just that men never ask for help!).

The answer that I've gotten from a number of people is that a woman would not invent a computer. I think that's it, but I'm still intrigued by my own question (ah thank you) though and would love a really creative answer. For a start, I think it would have more inputs than just a mouse and a keyboard (maybe some frikkin voice recognition :-). Something more intuitive - how do you take the motion of picking cherries and turn it into a computer input device? Okay, hopefully I'll come back to this question...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A very intriguing question and I think well worth mulling over. Will give it some thought. Yes, definitely more input options, probably output ones too. i think Excel would need replacing too. And Powerpoint is hugely male. I would replace Word with Wordperfect, it used to start with just a blank page. Ah, let me get into this.